B2B Hotel Booking
The BookingEE online B2B hotel booking portal and reservation system is a module that already thousands of travel agencies are booking from our impressive inventory of +503,000 hotels in over 157,328 destinations worldwide and 5+ million rooms in +204 countries and territories on 6 continents with lowest prices .
BOOKINGEE.COM has an inventory of over 503,000 de-duplicated properties across the world in real-time and at best possible net rates. BookingEE is also connecting with IHG, Carlson, ACCOR and many others for dynamic rates as well. BookingEE is strong in the most major countries around the world like US, Europe & the UK; Mediterranean resorts, Middle East ,Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Dubai where we do a lot of direct contracting through our own contracting offices and work with local DMCs who exclusively contract for BookingEE and P&M Holding.
Whether travelers are looking for an all-inclusive, five-star luxury resort, a budget hostel, a hotel for a business trip or a leisure city trip, or an apartment anywhere in the world, you will find them all in one system. Filtering and sorting make it easy to find the hotel that best suits your customer’s needs. The module offers an extensive description of every hotel, a list of all facilities, a series of photos and the ability to localize the hotel on a google map.
![b2b hotel booking](https://bookingee.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/hotels-2.gif)